Alaska Beer Coasters

Alaska Beer Coasters

Browse the growing collection of Alaska Beer Coasters. You'll find more than Beer coasters in this collection. We can't forget the Cideries, Saloons, Brewhouses, and Bars!

New Alaska Beer Coasters!

New Beer Coasters!

Checkout these 3 new coasters from Midnight Sun Brewing Company!

Autographed Alaska Beer Coasters

Autographed Coasters

Meet the people that make so many Alaskans smile! Lucky owners, famous brewers, and future celebrities.

Latest Instagram Post

Latest Instagram Post

Your best friend is the Red Dog Saloon in Juneau, Alaska.

Visit A Brewery with this Google Map

Visit A Brewery

Locate a brewery near you with this handy Google Map. Over 50 Alaska Breweries!

For Trade

Do you have a coaster that is missing from the Alaska Beer Coasters collection? Let's trade coasters!

(Available Later This Year)